Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Last Minute Stocking Stuffers

Need a quick gift for someone's stocking? Or maybe you need something for a Yankee Swap?  Here is a list of quick, yet thoughtful gift you can pick up on your way home from work or while running errands.

1. Chapstick - Winter = Wind, someone will appreciate a few extra tubes of magic.  Considering, one is always left in your car, or in a pants pocket and it goes through the wash.  Nivea and Chapstick are my favorite brands!
2. Coffee Shop Giftcards - A $10 giftcard at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts is like picking up the tab for someone, twice.
3. Hand Sanitizer - Bath and Body Works not only sells every scent you could thing off, but BBW also has "PocketBac" holders available for purchase.  For under $5 (PocketBac sanitizers are 5 for $5) you can help someone fight off winter germs this season.
4. Mittens - Again, mittens and gloves are a total necessity when it comes to winter wear, especially for college students walking around campus.  Of course there are some pricey leather gloves on the market, but places like Target have cute options for affordable prices.  Target even carries gloves that can be used with a touchscreen device.
5. Nail Polish - This beauty essential can be picked up at drugstores and department stores alike.  They range in prices of $2 (Sinful Colors) to $7 (essie) so you have a range to pick from.  Not sure what color to get? Shades of pink and red are typically a crowd pleaser.

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