Sunday, October 5, 2014

Love Your Locks

A common complaint I hear from girls always has to do with their hair.  Either they totally hate it, they don't know what to do with it, or they want a change but don't really know what they want.  I can tell you right now that half of those issues come from checking out Kate Middleton's and Blake Lively's luscious locks.

Did I give you hair envy? If so sorry, but I know I can't help but drool over their effortless waves and blowouts.

The key to loving your hair is to understand your hair.  You gotta love what your mom and your dad gave you because that is all you've got.  Spend some time understanding your hair's texture and thickness.  Notice where it varies on your scalp.  For example, my hair is very thick in the back, but it slightly thins out closer to my hair line.  I think it is from years of swimming and having a cap on!  Another thing you can do to better understand your hair is to talk to your stylist.  If you want your locks to be doing something that they aren't, ask what you can do to style it differently.  Sometimes its all in the brush you use to blow dry your hair!

You also have to treat your hair right.  Don't straighten it or curl it everyday.  Don't wash it everyday.  Yah you heard me, washing your hair everyday can actually make it greasier or even dry your hair out if you aren't using the best formula for you.  I try to wash my hair three-four times a week.  Meaning, dry shampoo is sometimes my best friend!

I decided to write this post after seeing The Beauty Department's two part post on layers (Part One & Part Two).  I am a big fan of layers because it thins out my hair and gives it movement.  So I thought I would share this with you all in the hopes you would feel more inspired to love your hair and to treat your hair right!

Be your own kind of beautiful ladies.

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