Friday, May 16, 2014

Hoots to Freshman Year

Well, year one is done! I couldn't be anymore grateful for everything I have experienced and the people I have met.  I have to say, I enjoyed second semester more than first because there was no longer the fear of the "unknown" or feeling like an "awkward freshman".  It may have also been because I joined Kappa...
But regardless, I learned so much about myself and how to approach life.  So I thought I would compile a list of things I've learned throughout my freshman year, enjoy!

  1. Family is everything.  Biological or not, they mean everything.  They are your backbone, your support system and your inspiration.  Never ever take them for granted.
  2. You are stronger than you think.
  3. Don't stress the small stuff
  4. Don't doubt that others, especially new friends, will be able to see your true self & will accept you for you.
  5. Its okay to be close to your mom.  And you should call home.
  6. Be involved on campus. You meet new people & get to feel apart of something
  7. College flies by.
  8. Its okay to not have everything figured out.
  9. Have a few different friend groups.  You get to experience so much & you have so many bonds and memories.
  10. You won't be best friends with everyone.
  11. You have to be very coordinated to shave in shower.
  12. Embrace what makes you unique
  13. The true friends you leave in high school will come back.  Those that aren't true friends won't come back and that’s okay.
  14. Reputations spread through a campus quickly.  Make yours a good one.
  15. Group projects are not any better in college than they are in high school. 
  16. Get out of your dorm room from time to time.
  17. Despite being accepted to college, girls still cannot understand the concept of flushing the toilet.
  18. You will not sleep the first month of college.
  19. Its okay if you have a ton of stuff on move in day.  Don't be self conscious.  Because while you may feel like that nerdy freshman on move in day, but know one will remember you as the girl with all the stuff.  They are thinking the same thing.
  20. Don't let the negative opinions of others effect you.
  21. Go to games and athletic events.
  22. Participate in class.  Even if its an 8am, because professors will notice. And you will need their help landing jobs and networking.  They can't advocate for you  if they don't know your name.
  23. Be proactive.  No one is holding your hand.  You have to do everything for yourself.  And if you let others, like your mom, do everything for you, you'll be at a disadvantage.
  24. College flies by. Enjoy every moment. (Notice I said this twice).
  25. Stay true to yourself.
  26. If you aren't happy, transfer.  You are paying so much that you do not deserve to be unhappy.  Several of my peers have chosen to transfer, and I respect them for it because they are making decisions to be happy and to get the most out of the four years before they are out in the real world.
  27. Make friends with upperclassmen.  They have so much advice to give.
  28. Don’t try to be just like everyone else.  Its not cool and very boring.
  29. Be friends with your RA.
  30. Stress is inevitable.  Just smile and have a 30 second dance party

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